How do you tell the stories of your travel? Most document through photography. Some document through words - journal entries that record sensations, tastes, sights, etc.

When I traveled to France with my college roommate, Annie, she opened my eyes to art. When I returned home, I took all of my notes from our museum visits and wrote them out (snippet pictured above) to forever remember the pieces that moved me so deeply. I look back at that creation and try to visualize the accompanying images, but sometimes am not able to retrieve the details.

Artist Douglas Gayeton has managed to combine his stylish handwriting with his emotive photographs to create a beautiful symphony of story and image in his current collection, Slow: Life in a Tuscan Town (review here).

Click images to enlarge or visit Gayeton's website for a closer look:

I really enjoy Gayeton's profiles of everyday people, culinary methods, old-world recipes and Italian phrases - all combined in an interesting & innovative way.

N and I happened upon Gayeton's work at a fabulous organic bakery and cafe in Petaluma, California called Della Fattoria. Elisa Weber and her family handcraft fabulously delicious bread and the most perfectly "peaked" Lemon Meringue I've ever been lucky enough to devour. The charming town is definitely worth a visit.