Stripes by Paul Smith

Last night I attended a presentation at Design Within Reach by representatives from Maharam to discuss the history of the fourth-generation family-run business and the future of the textile industry.

Maharam has partnered with some fabulous designers - the ranks of which include Paul Smith and Hella Jongerius (I've long lusted after her Animal Bowls and Nymphenburg Sketches).

Layers by Hella Jongerius

Maharam's Textiles of the 20th Century collection "pays homage to the great multi-disciplinarians of the last century and brings their enduring work in textiles back to life."

The collection features Charles & Ray Eames and Alexander Girard, among other notable designers of the time. I found it interesting to put these designers in the historical perspective of the Great Depression to learn of the great creativity and invention of that era. Certainly there is a motivational application for today's difficult financial times. This book looks like a great resource on the topic.

One of the presenters described herself as a "textile nerd". It was very interesting to learn from her about pattern repeat, scale, salvage and some of the fibers that go into textile design and production.