Last Thursday, N surprised me with tickets to the annual Green City Market BBQ. I was jazzed to meet my favorite Top Chef superstar, Dale, from Season Three along with Sara N and Stephanie, the winner from Season Four.
Many of Chicago's top restaurants were present and it was a rare opportunity to be able to chat with the chefs along with some of the restaurant owners. There were so many tasty savory dishes (N really enjoyed Rick Bayless' creation - served with a smile by the chef himself), but of course - I enjoyed the sweets. A berry cheesecake and corn ice cream were among my favorites.
On Friday, we left for Harbor Country, Michigan for another weekend of wedding meetings. Super exhausting, but also wonderful beyond words. More and more, it feels like "home" there...
* Detail of yellow flower in Mahogany Room of the Rabbit Run Inn (one of our host Inns).
* Bench fabric at the Bentwood Tavern in the Marina Grand Resort (our reception hotel).
* My favorite dog on the entire planet, dear Lulu (her owners are Linda Jo & Rodney, the fabulous inn-keepers at the Rabbit Run).
* A wooded area on pristine Lake Shore Road.